Enable Speedy Meetings | #29
Learn to enable Speedy Meetings in your calendar for more efficient scheduling. A simple tweak in your calendar setting reduces meeting times and gives attendees a breather at the end of each meeting
Enable Speedy Meetings on your work calendar
Shave 5/10 mins automatically off every meeting you create!
This is something that is taught to us in our google efficiency training when a new employee joins Personio, and I think it has such a positive impact on scheduling meetings.
As a person who appreciates finishing/starting meetings on time as well as giving folks a breather afterwards, this is something super simple to implement and has a big impact.
Plus, lets be honest — people spend too much time in meetings as it is, so any reduction in that time is a bonus!
For Google Calendar users: Simply hit the settings cog on the top right of your calendar, enable the speedy meetings setting in Event Settings and change the default duration to 25 minutes.
For Microsoft Outlook users: Follow their guide here https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/make-all-your-events-shorter-automatically-8fa0fdcb-5eee-4e12-9452-8d59ee33f70a
For my past tips check out my past posts on Substack, go to my weekly list tip on Medium, or check out the hashtag #JohnsTipOfTheWeek on LinkedIn.